Givons Grove sets out to be ‘an increasingly great place to live’ and has a reputation of having a close, friendly and supportive community. The following guidelines cover the more practical aspects of living on the Givons Grove estate which, like all estates, has a common infrastructure, environment and space. These guidelines cover how each individual resident can play their part in maintaining Givons Grove as a great place for all.
The first 2 sections of the Charter (on Estate Roads and Estate Verges) relate to assets owned by GGEL. GGEL and its Directors have a duty to protect and maintain these assets and have set out guidelines on use of the roads and verges which all residents (shareholders and non-shareholders alike) and visitors to the estate are expected to follow. There are links included to GGEL documents where you can find additional information if desired. Alternatively, please send any queries about GGEL assets to
The remaining sections (on dogs, bonfires, fireworks, parties etc.) are not directly the responsibility of GGEL but we anticipate residents will recognise the importance of following the guidelines in the interests of good neighbour relations and the community at large.
Estate Roads
GGEL own the roads and most of the verges on the Estate. What are often referred to as the Estate’s verges are actually service strips. Parking on the verges is not allowed. Although the Estate’s roads are legally considered as ‘private roads of which the public have access’, because the roads are privately owned this access right does not extend to parking rights. There has been a long-standing understanding that parking on the roads should be kept to a minimum. Only in exceptional circumstances should cars be parked on the roads overnight – and this should not be a regular occurrence.
Commercial vehicles may only be parked for short periods and not overnight.
Please also ask your visitors or employees to park inside your property boundary, so that the roads are kept free from obstruction. Parking on the road for short periods in exceptional circumstances may occasionally be necessary e.g. parties with several visitors or inability to access driveway due to work being done, but please inform the GGEL Communications Director about this in advance so that a warning notice can be circulated to other residents.
Parking on the Estate’s roads is not only unsightly, it can cause a number of problems:
- Parking in a way that forces other vehicles to drive onto the verges can cause damage to the services beneath.
- It can damage the verge (see below) especially during wet weather.
- It is a potential safety hazard as it can affect sight lines.
- It can block or impede exit/entry from residents’ driveways
Damage has often been caused to the verges by careless parking either on the estate roads or on the verges. Such damage is the responsibility of the driver of the vehicle and any costs incurred by GGEL in repairing such damage to its property will be levied at the driver.
If any resident has evidence of a vehicle causing damage to either the road or the verge, they are asked to forward this to one of the GGEL Directors (
Please respect the 20 mph speed limit and be considerate to other road users whether on foot or bicycle or in a car.
Rock Salt
It won’t have gone unnoticed that there are some hills on the Estate and sometimes we get ice or snow. There are a selection of grit/salt bins dotted around the roads on the estate. This salt is only for use on Givons Grove roads and not for residents’ own driveways. If needed, salt should be applied to the roads sparingly because it is very difficult to locate and restock salt during icy weather. Residents are requested to fill a bucket with salt (1 X 3-gallon bucket should cover approx 100 m of road) and scatter it by hand, using a glove, as a shovel-full leaves too much in one area. It’s best to scatter salt the night before ice is forecast. If more than 25mm (1 inch) of snow is lying on the road, it’s best to clear this before salt is applied.
Estate Verges
GGEL own most of the verges on the Estate along with the roads and some footpaths. However, what are often referred to as the Estate’s verges are actually service strips with water, sewage, gas, electricity and telephone services – often in shallow trenches – lying beneath.
Please refer to the GGEL Roads & GGEL Owned Verges document for further information.
Use of, or Changes to, the verges
Parking on the verges, placing objects on them or planting in them all give rise to a risk that the underlying services may be damaged. Placing objects such as skips or building materials on the verges is not allowed.
Residents are requested not to place objects on the verges such as stones or logs to discourage vehicles from damaging the verge. However, if a resident does place such items on the verge then they should be at least 300mm from the road edge. There have been occasions where the vehicles of other residents or visitors have been damaged by such objects and in such cases the resident will be liable should any damage be caused.
Any resident wishing to make changes to the verge outside their property, whether this is simply adding or removing some planting or installing new or replacement brick-edging to the verge must seek permission from GGEL before any changes are made (
In the case of more substantial changes, such as changing the layout of their driveway or making a new connection to a service, residents should refer to the GGEL Easement Rules and to the GGEL Building & Development Rules and must also contact GGEL as soon as possible but definitely well before any changes are made (
Maintenance of verges
Each resident is asked to maintain the section of verge outside their property by cutting the grass, sweeping up leaves and generally keeping the verges neat and tidy. Drain entrances should also be kept free of debris if there is a drain along a resident’s section of verge.
Residents are requested to prevent the grass from creeping onto the road by cutting back and using weed killer.
Verges that are not adjacent to properties are maintained by GGEL. If any resident is unable to maintain their own verge, please discuss the matter with GGEL.
Dumping of waste of any kind on the roads or verges of the Estate is prohibited and any residents or their gardeners who are identified dumping such waste will be charged BY GGEL for its removal.
Estate Agent’s signs
GGEL will not allow Estate Agent’s signs to be inserted into any GGEL owned property. Surrey County Council have authorised GGEL to require Estate Agents to remove any signs placed on the A24 by the Estate’s entrance where they could cause a potential hazard.
Dogs on the Estate
Please only exercise your dog(s) on a lead on Estate roads and please always clear up after your dog as it is potential health hazard as well as unsightly.
Each year many complaints are made about bonfires on the Estate. If you must have one, please consider the potential impact on your neighbours when choosing when to do this and follow these simple guidelines:
- Avoid having bonfires during the pleasant summer evenings/ weekends when other people want to enjoy using their gardens
- Let your neighbours know in advance – they may be about to hang out washing
- Stick to only having bonfires after 6pm if possible
- Make sure all materials are dry/non-toxic and will burn quickly
- Have one larger bonfire rather than frequent smaller ones to reduce the nuisance. It is an offence to cause a statutory nuisance from regular bonfires
Residents are requested to always be mindful to ensure the peace and safety of everybody on Givons Grove. Please therefore do not set off fireworks later than 11pm except on New Year’s Eve when 15 minutes past midnight is the last reasonable moment.
When wishing to set off fireworks, please respect the advice issued by the Royal Society of Prevention of Accidents
Parties held on the Estate
Most title deeds for properties on Givons Grove include a covenant which states that residents should not do anything which shall become a nuisance, annoyance, or disturbance to other residents on the estate.
If residents are intending to hold a party which they think might cause disturbance to other residents, the following guidelines are set out to assist in preparations:
- Send a note a week or so before the event to the Communications Director responsible for communicating to residents via our emailing service (currently Jane Pointeau) giving details such as date/time/parking arrangements/music/end time etc
- All music should be turned off so that it does not cause a nuisance, ideally by 11.30pm, but certainly no later than midnight particularly if the event is held outside or in a marquee.
- For those who want to keep partying/dancing after 11.30 consider a ‘silent disco’.
- Advise guests not to park on the verges and not to park in such a position that it blocks access to a driveway, or hinders other vehicles, including emergency vehicles, from passing.
- When leaving please ask guests to be considerate of the neighbours by doing so as quietly as possible.
- If your party includes the use of fireworks, please refer to the guidelines on Fireworks on the Estate.