All of the roads and the majority of the verges bordering the roads on the Estate belong to Givons Grove Estate Limited (GGEL) along with the roads and some footpaths. Many of the services (water, sewage, gas, electricity, telephone) run beneath the verges which were originally intended as ‘Service Strips’ and are often in shallow trenches. Cars parked on verges or other activities, such as unauthorised planting on the verge can cause damage to the services.

This paper sets out guidance for the maintenance and care of the verges and the protection of the roads.

To keep GGEL costs to a minimum and to help to limit the annual Subscription payable by all, each resident is asked to maintain the section of verge outside their property. Residents are requested to cut the grass, sweep up leaves and generally keep verges neat and tidy – this in turn enhances the appearance of individual houses. Drain entrances should also be kept free of debris if there is a drain along a resident’s section of verge.

Residents are requested to cut back and use weed killer where the verge meets the road to control grass ‘creep’ onto the road. Ideally there should be approximately 3 cm of grass verge overlapping the road tarmac to reduce erosion of the road edge.

GGEL maintains verges that are not adjacent to properties such as those alongside the road through Coronation Glen and is ultimately responsible for the upkeep and safety of the verges and roads. If any resident is unable to maintain their own verge, please discuss the matter with GGEL.

Where residents wish to make changes to the verge outside their property, such as change the layout of their driveway, installing new or replacement brick edging, changes to ground levels etc., permission must be gained from GGEL before any change is made ( There are Rules on this subject that cover the legal agreements required and the charges (Easement Rules and Building & Development Rules).

Permission must be requested from GGEL before any tree, shrub or other vegetation is planted on a GGEL verge – normally this is discouraged as road sightlines can be impaired and many of the historic easements granted to utility companies prohibit any building or planting on the ‘service strip’.

No skips or building materials are to be placed on GGEL verges or the roads.

Residents are requested not to place objects on the verges such as stones or logs to discourage vehicles from damaging the verge. However, if a resident does place such items on the verge then they should be at least 300mm from the road edge and the resident will be liable should any damage be caused to a vehicle.

Wilful dumping of garden waste on the verges or other land owned by GGEL is prohibited and any residents or their gardeners who are identified dumping such waste will be charged for the removal.