Givons Grove (GG) is a private estate of 117 properties.
This website provides general public information plus additional information for residents (when logged in) under the following tabs:
About Givons Grove
Provides information about the estate, map, history etc.
Givons Grove Estate Ltd.
GGEL owns and manages the roads and most of the verges. This section includes information about the Company (owned by residents) and about buying, selling and developing properties on the estate.
Coronation Glen Estate Ltd.
CGEL owns and manages the woodland aside the lower entrance to the estate. This section includes information about the Company (owned by residents) and related matters.
Givons Grove Community
Provides information on activities and other matters for residents
Neighbourhood Watch
Provides information on the NHW scheme and other relevant help and advice for residents.
Contact Us
If you would like to contact GGEL regarding any issues with roads and trees, please email roadsandtreesggel@outlook.com. For all other issues, please email contact@ggel.uk